To install windows, have iPXE load wimboot then WinPE. From there you can connect to a samba share and start the Windows installer. Just like back in the gold-ole administrative installation point days.
Getting a copy of WinPE the official way is a bit of a hurdle, but definitely less work than setting up a full Windows imaging solution.
Samba and Wimboot
On the netboot server, install wimboot and Samba.
sudo wget -P /var/www/html
sudo apt install samba
Window ADK
On a Windows workstation, download the ADK and PE Add-on and install as per Microsoft’s ADK Install Doc.
Prepare the netboot server to receive the Windows files.
sudo vi /etc/samba/smb.conf
map to guest = bad user
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
path = /var/www/html
browseable = yes
read only = no
guest ok = yes
guest only = yes
sudo mkdir /var/www/html/winpe
sudo mkdir /var/www/html/win11
sudo chmod o+w /var/www/html/win*
sudo systemctl restart smbd.service
Window ADK
On the Windows workstation, start the deployment environment as an admin and create the working files as below. More info is in Microsoft’s Create Working Files document.
- Start -> All Apps -> Windows Kits -> Deployment and Imaging Tools Environment (Right Click, More, Run As Admin)
copype amd64 c:\winpe\amd64
Add the required additions for Windows 11 with the commands below. These are the optional components WinPE-WMI and WinPE-SecureStartup and more info is in Microsoft’s Customization Section.
mkdir c:\winpe\offline
dism /mount-Image /Imagefile:c:\winpe\amd64\media\sources\boot.wim /index:1 /mountdir:c:\winpe\offline
dism /image:c:\winpe\offline /add-package /packagepath:"..\Windows Preinstallation Environment\amd64\WinPE_OCs\" /packagepath:"..\Windows Preinstallation Environment\amd64\WinPE_OCs\"
dism /unmount-image /mountdir:c:\winpe\offline /commit
Make the ISO in case you want to HTTP Boot from it later and keep the shell open for later.
MakeWinPEMedia /ISO C:\winpe\amd64 C:\winpe\winpe_amd64.iso
Now that you’ve got a copy of WinPE, copy it to the netboot server.
net use q: \\netboot\install
xcopy /s c:\winpe\* q:\winpe
Also create some auto-start files for setup. The first is part to the WinPE system and tells it (generically) what to do after it starts up.
notepad q:\winpe\amd64\winpeshl.ini
This the second is more specific and associated with the thing you are installing. We’ll mix and match these in the PXE menu later so we can install different things.
notepad q:\win11\install.bat
net use \\netboot
Win 11
You also need to obtain the latest ISO and extract the contents.
- Double-click on the ISO
- Copy contents to q:\win11
Bck on the netboot server, customize the WINDOWS section of your autoexex.ipxe like this.
set winpe http://netboot/winpe/amd64
set source http://netboot/win11
kernel wimboot
initrd ${winpe}/media/sources/boot.wim boot.wim
initrd ${winpe}/media/Boot/BCD BCD
initrd ${winpe}/media/Boot/boot.sdi boot.sdi
initrd ${winpe}/winpeshl.ini winpeshl.ini
initrd ${source}/install.bat install.bat
boot || goto MAIN
You can add other installs by copying this block and changing the :WINDOWS header and source variable.
Next Steps
Add some more installation sources and take a look at the Windows zero touch install.
System error 53 has occurred. The network path was not found
A given client may be unable to connect to the SMB service at all, or it may fail after connecting once. It’s possible that the the client does’t have an IP yet. It’s also possible that the server This seems to have something to do with timing and I haven’t found the cause but I suspect its security related. You can wait and it resolves itself.
You can also comment out the winpeshl.ini line and you’ll boot to a command prompt that will let you troubleshoot. Sometimes you just don’t have an IP yet from the DHCP server and you can edit the install.bat file to add a sleep or other things. See then [zero touch deployment] page for some more ideas.
Access is denied
This may be related to the executable bit. If you’ve copied from the ISO they should be set. But if after that you’ve changed anything you could have lost the x bit from setup.exe. It’s hard to know what’s supposed to be set once it’s gone, so you may want to recopy the files.
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