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One of the best systems for a handling media is LibreELEC. It’s both a Kodi box and a server appliance that’s resistant to abuse. With the right hardware (like a ROCKPro64 or Waveshare) it also makes an excellent portable server for traveling.


Download an image from and flash as directed. Enable SSH during the initial setup.


RAID is a useful feature but only BTRFS works directly. This is fine, but with a little extra work you can add MergerFS, a popular option for combining disks.


Create the RAID set on another PC. If your disks are of different sizes you can use the ‘single’ profile, but leave the metadata mirrored.

sudo mkfs.btrfs -f -L pool -d single -m raid1 /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/etc...

After attaching to LibreELEC, the array will be automatically mounted at /media/pool based on label pool you specified above.


This is a good option if you just want to combine disks and unlike most other RAID technologies, if you loose a disk the rest will keep going. Many people combine this with SnapRAID for off-line parity.

But it’s a bit more work.


You may want to manage the fan. The RockPro64 has a PWM fan header and LibreELEC loads the pwm_fan module.

Kodi Manual Start

The kodi process can use a significant amount of CPU even at rest. If you’re using this primarily as a file server you can disable kodi from starting automatically.

cp /usr/lib/systemd/system/kodi.service /storage/.config/system.d/kodi-alt.service
systemctl mask kodi

To start kodi, you can enter systemctl start kodi-alt


Plug in a cheap Fm4 style remote and it ‘just works’ with kodi. But if you want to customize some remote buttons, say to start kodi manually, you still can.

Enable SMB

To share your media, simply copy the sample file, remove all the preconfigured shares (unless you want them), and add one for your storage pool. Then just enable Samba and reboot (so the file is picked up)

cp /storage/.config/samba.conf.sample /storage/.config/samba.conf
vi /storage/.config/samba.conf
  path = /storage/pool
  available = yes
  browseable = yes
  public = yes
  writeable = yes
Config --> LibreELEC --> Services --> Enable Samba

Enable HotSpot

Config --> LibreELEC --> Network --> Wireless Networks

Enable Active and Wireless Access Point and it just works!

Enable Docker

This is a good way handle things like Jellyfin or Plex if you must. In the GUI, go to add-ons, search for the items below and install.

  • docker
  • Docker Image Updater

Then you must make sure the docker starts starts after the storage is up or the containers will see an empty folder instead of a mounted one.

vi /storage/.config/system.d/service.system.docker.service
... storage-pool.mount

If that fails, you can also tell docker to wait a bit

ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/sleep 120

Remote Management

You may be called upon to look at something remotely. Sadly, there’s no remote access to the GUI but you can use things like autossh to create a persistent remote tunnel, or wireguard to create a VPN connection. Wireguard is usually better.

1 - Add-ons

You can also use this platform as a server. This seems counter-intuitive at first; to use a media player OS as a server. But in practice it is rock-solid. I have a mixed fleet of 10 or so devices and LibreELEC has better uptime stats than TrueNAS.

The device playing content on your TV is also the media server for the rest of the house. I wouldn’t advertise this as an enterprise solution, but I can’t dispute the results.


Normal Add-ons

Common tools like rsync, as well as server software like Jellyfin are available. You can browse as descriped below, or use the search tool if you’re looking for something specific.

  • Select the gear icon and choose Add-ons
  • Choose LibreELEC Add-ons
  • Drill down to browse software.


If you’re on ARM or want more frequent updates, you may want to add Docker and the repository.

  • Select the gear icon and choose Add-ons
  • Search add-ons for “Docker” and install
  • Search add-ons for “” and install
  • Select “Install from repository” and choose “’s Docker Add-ons”.

Drill down and add Jellyfin, for example.

2 - AutoSSH

This allows you to setup and monitor a remote tunnel as the easiest wat to manage remote clients is to let them come to you. To accomplish this, we’ll set up a server, create client keys, test a reverse tunnel, and setup autossh.

The Server

This is simply a server somewhere that everyone can reach via SSH. Create a normal user account with a password and home directory, such as with adduser remote. We will be connecting from our clients for initial setup with this.

The Client

Use SSH to connect to the LibreELEC client, generate a ssh key pair and copy it to the remote server

ssh [email protected]
ssh-keygen  -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -q -P ""

# ssh-copy-id isn't available so you must use the rather harder command below
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh -t [email protected] "cat - >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"

ssh [email protected]

If all went well you can back out and then test logging in with no password. Make sure to do this and accept the key so th

The Reverse Tunnel

SSH normally connects your terminal to a remote server. Think of this as a encrypted tunnel where your keystrokes are sent to the server and it’s responses are sent back to you. You can send more than your keystrokes, however. You can take any port on your system and send it as well In our case, we’ll take port 22 (where ssh just happens to be listening) and send it to the rendezvous server on port 2222. SSH will continue to accept local connections while also taking connections from the remote port we are tunneling in.

# On the client, issue this command to connect the (-R)remote port 2222 to localhost:22, i.e. the ssh server on the client
ssh -N -R 2222:localhost:22 -o ServerAliveInterval=240 -o ServerAliveCountMax=2 [email protected]

# Leave that running while you login to the rendezvois server and test if you can now ssh to the client by connecting to the forwarded port.

ssh [email protected]
ssh root@localhost -p 2222

# Now exit both and set up Autossh below


Autossh is a daemon that monitors ssh sessions to make sure they’re up and operational, restarting them as needed, and this is exactly what we need to make sure the ssh session from the client stays up. To run this as a service, a systemd service file is needed. For LibreELEC, these are in /storage/.config.

vi /storage/.config/system.d/autossh.service


ExecStart=/storage/.kodi/addons/virtual.system-tools/bin/autossh $SSH_OPTIONS

vi /storage/.config/autossh

SSH_OPTIONS="-N -R 2222:localhost:22 [email protected] -i /storage/.ssh/id_rsa"
systemctl enable autossh.service
systemctl start autossh.service
systemctl status autossh.service

At this point, the client has a SSH connection to your server on port 22, opened port 2222 the ssh server and forwarded that back to it’s own ssh server. You can now connect by:

ssh [email protected]
ssh root@localhost -p 2222

If not, check the logs for errors and try again.

journalctl -b 0 --no-pager | less

Remote Control

Now that you have the client connected, you can use your Rendezvous Server as a Jump Host to access things on the remote client such as it’s web interface and even the console via VNC. Your connection will generally take the form of:

ssh localport:libreelec:libreelec_port -J rendezvoisServer  redevoisServer -p autosshPort

The actual command is hard to read as are going through the rendezvois server twice and connecting to localhost on the destination.

ssh -L 8080:localhost:32400  -J [email protected] root@localhost -p 2222

3 - Building

This works best in an Ubuntu container.

LibreELECT Notes

Installed but no sata hdd. Found this

RPi4 has zero support for PCIe devices so why is it “embarrasing” for LE to omit support for PCIe SATA things in our RPi4 image?

Feel free to send a pull-request to GitHub enabling the kernel config that’s needed.

Went though thier resouces beginners guid to git building basics specific build commands

and then failed because jammy wasn’t compatibile enough

Created a jammy container and restarted

sudo lxc-create –template download –name u1 ubuntu jammy amd64 sudo lxc-start –name u1 –daemon sudo lxc-attach u1

Used some of the notes from

Did as fork, clone and a

git fetch –all

but couldnt get all the downloads as site was down

On a side note, these are needed in the config.txt so that USB works


I tried a menuconfig and selected ..sata? and got


Better compare the .config file again

Edited and commited a config.txt but it didn’t show up in the image. Possibly the wrong file or theres another way to realize that chagne

Enabled the SPI interface

sudo apt install lxc

# This didn't work for some reason
sudo lxc-create --template download --name u1 --dist ubuntu --release jammy --arch amd64

sudo lxc-create --template download --name u1

sudo lxc-start --name u1 --daemon

sudo lxc-attach  u1

# Now inside, build 
apt update
apt upgrade
apt-get install gcc make git wget
apt-get install bc patchutils bzip2 gawk gperf zip unzip lzop g++ default-jre u-boot-tools texinfo xfonts-utils xsltproc libncurses5-dev xz-utils

# login and fork so you can clone more easily. Some problem with the creds

git clone
git fetch --all
git tag
git remote add upstream
git fetch --all
git checkout libreelec-12.0
git checkout -b CM4-AHCI-Add
PROJECT=RPi ARCH=aarch64 DEVICE=RPi4   tools/download-tool
cat /etc/passwd 
ls /home/
ls /home/ubuntu/
cd ..
mv /home/ubuntu/
cd /home/ubuntu/
ls -lah
chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu
ls -lah
ls -lah
sudo -i -u ubuntu
ip a
cat /etc/resolv.conf 
ip route
sudo -i -u ubuntu

apt install tmux
sudo -i -u ubuntu tmux a

# And back home you can write
ls -lah ls/u1/rootfs/home/ubuntu/

4 - Fancontrol

Add this to the /storage/bin and create a service unit.

vi /storage/.config/system.d/fancontrol.service

systemctl enable fancontrol

# Summary
# Adjust fan speed by percentage when CPU/GPU is between user set
# Min and Max temperatures.
# Notes
# Temp can be gleaned from the sysfs termal_zone files and are in
# units millidegrees meaning a reading of 30000 is equal to 30.000 C
# Fan speed is read and controlled by he pwm_fan module and can be
# read and set from a sysfs file as well. The value can be set from 0 (off)
# to 255 (max). It defaults to 255 at start

## Set Points

# CPU Temp set points
MIN_TEMP=40 # Min desired CPU temp
MAX_TEMP=60 # Max desired CPU temp

# Fan Speeds set points
FAN_OFF=0       # Fan is off
FAN_MIN=38      # Some fans need a minimum of 15% to start from a dead stop.
FAN_MAX=255     # Max cycle for fan

# Frequency
CYCLE_FREQ=6            # How often should we check, in seconds
SHORT_CYCLE_PERCENT=20  # If we are shutting on or of more than this percent of the
                        # time, just run at min rather than shutting off

## Sensor and Control files

# CPU and GPU sysfs locations

# Fan Control files

## Logic

# The fan control file isn't available until the module loads and
# is unpredictable in path. Wait until it comes up

while [[ -z $FAN ]];do
        [[ -f $FAN2 ]] && FAN=$FAN2
        [[ -f $FAN3 ]] && FAN=$FAN3
        [[ -z $FAN ]] && sleep 1

# The sensors are in millidegrees so adjust the user
# set points to the same units

MIN_TEMP=$(( $MIN_TEMP * 1000 ))
MAX_TEMP=$(( $MAX_TEMP * 1000 ))

# Short cycle detection requires us to track the number
# of on-off flips to cycles


while true; do

        # Set TEMP to the highest GPU/CPU Temp
        read TEMP_CPU < $CPU
        read TEMP_GPU < $GPU
        [[ $TEMP_CPU -gt $TEMP_GPU ]] && TEMP=$TEMP_CPU || TEMP=$TEMP_GPU

        # How many degress above or below our min threshold are we?
        DEGREES=$(( $TEMP-$MIN_TEMP ))

        # What percent of the range between min and max is that?
        RANGE=$(( $MAX_TEMP-$MIN_TEMP ))
        PERCENT=$(( (100*$DEGREES/$RANGE) ))

        # What number between 0 and 255 is that percent?
        FAN_SPEED=$(( (255*$PERCENT)/100 ))

        # Override the calculated speed for some special cases
        if [[ $FAN_SPEED -le $FAN_OFF ]]; then                  # Set anything 0 or less to 0
        elif [[ $FAN_SPEED -lt $FAN_MIN ]]; then                # Set anything below the min to min
        elif [[ $FAN_SPEED -ge $FAN_MAX ]]; then                # Set anything above the max to max

        # Did we just flip on or off?
        read -r OLD_FAN_SPEED < $FAN
        if (    ( [[ $OLD_FAN_SPEED -eq 0 ]] && [[ $FAN_SPEED -ne 0 ]] ) || \
                ( [[ $OLD_FAN_SPEED -ne 0 ]] && [[ $FAN_SPEED -eq 0 ]] ) ); then

        # Every 10 cycles, check to see if we are short-cycling
        if [[ $CYCLES -ge 10 ]] && [[ ! $SHORT_CYCLING ]]; then
                FLIP_PERCENT=$(( 100*$FLIPS/$CYCLES ))
                if [[ $FLIP_PERCENT -gt $SHORT_CYCLE_PERCENT ]]; then
                        echo "Short-cycling detected. Fan will run at min speed rather than shutting off."

        # If we are short-cycling and would turn the fan off, just set to min
        if [[ $SHORT_CYCLING ]] && [[ $FAN_SPEED -le $FAN_MIN ]]; then

        # Every so often, exit short cycle mode to see if conditions have changed
        if [[ $SHORT_CYCLING ]] && [[ $CYCLES -gt 10000 ]]; then  # Roughly half a day
                echo "Exiting short-cycling"

        # Write that to the fan speed control file
        echo $FAN_SPEED > $FAN

        # Log the stats everyone once in a while
#       if [[ $LOG_CYCLES ]] && [[ $LOG_CYCLES -ge 10 ]]; then
#               echo "Temp was $TEMP fan set to $FAN_SPEED"
#               LOG_CYCLES=""
#       else
#               LOG_CYCLES=$(($LOG_CYCLES+1))
#       fi

        sleep $CYCLE_FREQ


# Also look at drive temps. The sysfs filesystem isn't useful for
# all drives on RockPro64 so use smartctl instead

#ls -1 /dev/sd? | xargs -n1 smartctl -A | egrep ^194 | awk '{print $4}'

5 - MergerFS

This is a good option if you just want to combine disks and unlike most other RAID technologies, if you loose a disk the rest will keep going. Many people combine this with SnapRAID for off-line parity.

Prepare and Exempt Disks

Prepare and exempt the file systems from auto-mounting1 so you can supply your own mount options and make sure they are up before you start MergerFS.

Make sure to wipe the disks before using as wipefs and fdisk are not available in LibreELEC.

# Assuming the disks are wiped, format and label each disk the same
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda 
e2label /dev/sda pool-member

# Copy the udev rule for editing 
cp /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/95-udevil-mount.rules /storage/.config/udev.rules.d
vi /storage/.config/udev.rules.d/95-udevil-mount.rules

Edit this section by adding the pool-member label from above

# check for special partitions we dont want mount
ENV{ID_FS_LABEL}=="EFI|BOOT|Recovery|RECOVERY|SETTINGS|boot|root0|share0|pool-member", GOTO="exit"

Test this by rebooting and making sure the drives are not mounted.

Add Systemd Mount Units

Each filesystem requires a mount unit like below. Create one for each drive named disk1, disk2, etc. Note: The name of the file is import and to mount /storage/disk1 the name of the file must be storage-disk1.mount

vi /storage/.config/system.d/storage-disk1.mount
Description=Mount sda


systemctl enable --now storage-disk1.mount

Download and Test MergerFS

MergerFS isn’t available as an add-on, but you can get it directly from the developer. LibreELEC (or CoreELEC) on ARM have a 32 bit[^2] user space so you’ll need the armhf version.


tar --extract --file=./mergerfs-static-linux_armhf.tar.gz --strip-components=3 usr/local/bin/mergerfs

mkdir bin
mv mergerfs bin/

Mount the drives and run a test like below. Notice the escaped *. That’s needed at the command line to prevent shell globbing.

mkdir /storage/pool
/storage/bin/mergerfs /storage/disk\* /storage/pool/

Create the MergerFS Service

vi /storage/.config/system.d/mergerfs.service
Description = MergerFS Service
After=storage-disk1.mount storage-disk2.mount storage-disk3.mount storage-disk4.mount
Requires=storage-disk1.mount storage-disk2.mount storage-disk3.mount storage-disk4.mount

ExecStart=/storage/bin/mergerfs -o category.create=mfs,noatime /storage/disk* /storage/pool/
ExecStop=umount /storage/pool

systemctl enable --now mergerfs.service

Your content should now be available in /storage/pool after boot.

6 - Remotes

Most remotes just work. Newer ones emulate a keyboard and send well-known multimedia keys like ‘play’ and ‘volume up’. If you want to change what a button does, you can tell Kodi what to do pretty easily. In addition, LibreELEC also supports older remotes using eventlircd and popular ones are already configured. You can add unusual ones as well as get normal remotes to perform arbitrary actions when kodi isn’t running (like telling the computer to start kodi or shutdown cleanly).

Modern Remotes

If you plug in a remote receiver and the kernel makes reference to a keyboard you have a modern remote and Kodi will talk to it directly.


input: BESCO KSL81P304 Keyboard as ...
hid-generic 0003:2571:4101.0001: input,hidraw0: USB HID v1.11 Keyboard ...

If you want to change a button action, put kodi into log mode, tail the logfile, and press the button in question to see what event is detected.

# Turn on debug
kodi-send -a toggledebug

# Tail the logfile
tail -f /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log

   debug <general>: Keyboard: scancode: 0xac, sym: 0xac, unicode: 0x00, modifier: 0x0
   debug <general>: HandleKey: browser_home (0xf0b6) pressed, window 10000, action is ActivateWindow(Home)

In this example, we pressed the ‘home’ button on the remote. That was detected as a keyboard press of the browser_home key. This is just one of many defined keys like ’email’ and ‘calculator’ that can be present on a keyboard. Kodi has a default action of that and you can see what it is in the system keymap

# View the system keyboard map to see what's happening by default
cat /usr/share/kodi/system/keymaps/keyboard.xml

To change what happens, create a user keymap. Any entries in it will override the default.

# Create a user keymap that takes you to 'Videos' instead of 'Home'
vi /storage/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/keyboard.xml
kodi-send -a reloadkeymaps

Legacy Remotes

How They Work

Some receivers don’t send well-known keys. For these, there’s eventlircd. LibreELEC has a list of popular remotes that fall into this category and will dynamically use it as needed. For instance, pair an Amazon Fire TV remote and udev will fire, match a rule in /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/98-eventlircd.rules, and launch eventlircd with the buttons mapped in /etc/eventlircd.d/aftvsremote.evmap.

These will interface with Kodi using it’s “LIRC” (Linux Infrared Remote Contoll) interface. And just like with keyboards, there’s a set of well-known remote keys Kodi will accept. Some remotes don’t know about these so eventlircd does some pre-translation before relaying to Kodi. If you look in the aftvsremote.evmap file for example, you’ll see that KEY_HOMEPAGE = KEY_HOME.

To find out if your remote falls into this category, enable logging, tail the log, and if your remote has been picked up for handling by eventlircd you’ll see some entries like this.

    debug <general>: LIRC: - NEW 66 0 KEY_HOME devinput (KEY_HOME)
    debug <general>: HandleKey: percent (0x25) pressed, window 10000, action is PreviousMenu

In the first line, Kodi notes that it’s LIRC interface received a KEY_HOME button press. (Eventlircd actually translated it, but that happened before kodi saw anything.) In the second line, Kodi says it received the key ‘percent’, and preformed the action ‘Back’. The part where Kodi says ‘percent (0x25)’ was pressed seems resistent to documentation, but the action of PreviousMenu is the end result. The main question is why?

Turns out that Kodi has a pre-mapping file for events relayed to it from LIRC systems. There’s a mapping for ‘KEY_HOME’ that kodi translates to the well-known key ‘start’. Then Kodi checks the normal keymap file and ‘start’ translates to the Kodi action ‘Back’

Take a look at the system LIRC mapping file to see for yourself.

# The Lircmap file has the Kodi well-known button (start) surrounding the original remote command (KEY_HOME)
grep KEY_HOME /usr/share/kodi/system/Lircmap.xml


Then take a look at the normal mapping file to see how start get’s handled

# The keymap file has the well-known Kodi button surrounding the Kodi action, 
grep start /usr/share/kodi/system/keymaps/remote.xml 


You’ll actually see quite a few things are mapped to ‘start’ as it does different things depending on what part of Kodi you are accessing at the time.

Changing Button Mappings

You have a few options an they are listed here in increasing complexity. Specifically, you can

  • Edit the keymap
  • Edit the Lircmap and keymap
  • Edit the eventlircd evmap

Edit the Keymap

To change what the KEY_HOME button does you can create a user keymap like before and override it. It just needs a changed from keyboard to remote for entering through the LIRC interface. In this example we’ve set it to actually take you home via the kodi function ActivateWindow(Home).

vi /storage/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/remote.xml

Edit the Lircmap and Keymap

This can occasionally cause problems though - such as when you have another button that already gets translated to start and you want it to keep working the same. In this case, you make an edit at the Lircmap level to translate KEY_HOME to some other button first, then map that button to the action you want. (You can’t put the Kodi function above in the Lircmap file so you have to do a double hop.)

First, let’s determine what the device name should be with the irw command.


# Hit a button and the device name will be at the end
66 0 KEY_HOME devinput

Now let’s pick a key. My remote doesn’t have a ‘red’ key, so lets hijack that one. Note the device name devinput from the above.

vi /storage/.kodi/userdata/Lircmap.xml
   <remote device="devinput">

Then map the key restart kodi (the keymap reload command doesn’t handle Lircmap)

vi /storage/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/remote.xml
systemctl restart kodi

Edit the Eventlircd Evmap

You can also change what evenlircd does. If LibreELEC wasn’t a read-only filesystem you’d have done this first. But you can do it with a but more work than the above if you prefer.

# Copy the evmap files
cp -r /etc/eventlircd.d /storage/.config/

# Override where the daemon looks for it's configs
systemctl edit --full eventlircd

# change the ExecStart line to refer to the new location - add vvv to the end for more log info
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/eventlircd -f --evmap=/storage/.config/eventlircd.d --socket=/run/lirc/lircd -vvv

# Restart, replug the device and grep the logs to see what evmap is in use
systemctl restart eventlircd
journalctl | grep evmap

# Edit that map to change how home is mapped (yours may not use the default map)
vi /storage/.config/eventlircd.d/default.evmap

Dealing With Unknown Buttons

Sometimes, you’ll have a button that does nothing at all.

    debug <general>: LIRC: - NEW ac 0 KEY_HOMEPAGE devinput (KEY_HOMEPAGE)
    debug <general>: HandleKey: 0 (0x0, obc255) pressed, window 10016, action is 

In this example Kodi received the KEY_HOMEPAGE button, consulted it’s Lircmap.xml and didn’t find anything. This is because eventlircd didn’t recognize the remote and translate it to KEY_HOME like before. That’s OK, we can just add a user LIRC mapping. If you look through the system file you’ll see things like ‘KEY_HOME’ are tto the ‘start’ button. So let’s do the same.

vi /storage/.kodi/userdata/Lircmap.xml
   <remote device="devinput">
systemctl restart kodi

Check the log and you’ll see that you now get

    debug <general>: LIRC: - NEW ac 0 KEY_HOMEPAGE devinput (KEY_HOMEPAGE)
    debug <general>: HandleKey: 251 (0xfb, obc4) pressed, window 10025, action is ActivateWindow(Home)

Remotes Outside Kodi

You may want a remote to work outside of kodi too - say because you want to start kodi with a remote button. If you have a modern remote that eventlircd didn’t capture, you must first add your remote to the list of udev rules.

Capture The Remote

First you must identify the remote with lsusb. It’s probably the only non-hub device listed.

Bus 006 Device 002: ID 2571:4101 BESCO KSL81P304
                        ^     ^
Vendor ID -------------/       \--------- Model ID

Then, copy the udev rule file and add a custom rule for your remote.

cp /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/98-eventlircd.rules /storage/.config/udev.rules.d/
vi /storage/.config/udev.rules.d/98-eventlircd.rules
ENV{ID_USB_INTERFACES}=="", IMPORT{builtin}="usb_id"

# Add the rule under the above line so the USB IDs are available. 
# change the numbers to match the ID from lsusb

ENV{ID_VENDOR_ID}=="2571", ENV{ID_MODEL_ID}=="4101", \
  ENV{eventlircd_enable}="true", \

Now, reboot, turn on logging and see what the buttons show up as. You can also install the system tools add-on in kodi, and at the command line, stop kodi and the eventlircd service, then run evtest and press some buttons. You should see something like

Testing ... (interrupt to exit)
Event: time 1710468265.112925, type 4 (EV_MSC), code 4 (MSC_SCAN), value c0223
Event: time 1710468265.112925, type 1 (EV_KEY), code 172 (KEY_HOMEPAGE), value 1
Event: time 1710468265.112925, -------------- SYN_REPORT ------------
Event: time 1710468265.200987, type 4 (EV_MSC), code 4 (MSC_SCAN), value c0223
Event: time 1710468265.200987, type 1 (EV_KEY), code 172 (KEY_HOMEPAGE), value 0
Event: time 1710468265.200987, -------------- SYN_REPORT ------------

Configure and Enable irexec

Now that you have seen the event, you must have the irexec process watching for it to take action. Luckily, LibreELEC already includes it.

vi /storage/.config/system.d/irexec.service
Description=IR Remote irexec config

ExecStart=/usr/bin/irexec --daemon /storage/.lircrc


We’ll create a the config file next. The config is the command or script to run. systemctl start kodi in our case.

vi /storage/.lircrc
    prog   = irexec
    button = KEY_HOMEPAGE
    config = systemctl start kodi

Let’s enable and start it up

systemctl enable --now irexec

Go ahead and stop kodi, then press the KEY_HOMEPAGE button on your remote. Try config entries like echo start kodi > /storage/test-results if you have issues and wonder if it’s running.


You may notice that eventlircd is always running, even if it has no remotes. That’s of a unit file is in /usr/lib/systemd/system/ I’m not sure of why this is the case when there is no remote in play.