
Pi-hole is reasonable choice for DNS service, especially if you don’t have a separate metrics and reporting system. A single instance will scale to 1000 active clients with just 1 core and 500M RAM and do a good job showing what’s going on.

There are some caveats when you pass 1000 users when logging all queries, but it’s a


Prepare and secure a Debian system

Set a Static Address

sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces


# The primary network interface
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp


auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

Secure Access with Nftables

Nftables is the modern replacement for iptables and preferred for setting netfilter rules.

sudo apt install nftables
sudo systemctl enable nftables
sudo vi /etc/nftables.conf
#!/usr/sbin/nft -f

flush ruleset

table inet filter {
        chain input {
                type filter hook input priority 0;

                # accept any localhost traffic
                iif lo accept

                # accept already allowed and related traffic
                ct state established,related accept

                # accept DNS and DHCP traffic from internal only
                define RFC1918 = {,, }
                udp dport { domain, bootps } ip saddr $RFC1918 ct state new accept
                tcp dport { domain, bootps } ip saddr $RFC1918 ct state new accept

                # accept web and ssh traffic on the first interface or from an addr range
                iifname eth0 tcp dport { ssh, http } ct state new accept
                 # or 
                ip saddr ct state new accept

                # Accept pings
                icmp type { echo-request } ct state new accept

                # accept neighbor discovery otherwise IPv6 connectivity breaks.
                ip6 nexthdr icmpv6 icmpv6 type { nd-neighbor-solicit,  nd-router-advert, nd-neighbor-advert } accept

                # count other traffic that does match the above that's dropped
                counter drop
sudo nft -f /etc/nftables.conf
sudo systemctl start nftables.service

Add Unattended Updates

This an optional, but useful service.

apt install unattended-upgrades

sudo sed -i 's/\/\/\(.*origin=Debian.*\)/  \1/' /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades
sudo sed -i 's/\/\/\(Unattended-Upgrade::Remove-Unused-Kernel-Packages "true";\)/  \1/' /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades
sudo sed -i 's/\/\/\(Unattended-Upgrade::Remove-Unused-Dependencies\) "false";/  \1 "true";/' /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades
sudo sed -i 's/\/\/\(Unattended-Upgrade::Automatic-Reboot\) "false";/  \1 "true";/' /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades



sudo apt install unbound


sudo apt install curl
curl -sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | bash



The pi-hole guide for [unbound]:(https://docs.pi-hole.net/guides/dns/unbound/) includes a config block to copy and paste as directed. You should also add a config file for dnsmasq while you’re at it, to set EDNS packet sizes. (dnsmasq comes as part of pi-hole)

sudo vi /etc/dnsmasq.d/99-edns.conf

When you check the status of unbound, you can ignore the warning: subnetcache:... as it’s just reminding you that data in the subnet cache (if you were to use it) can’t pre-fetched. There’s some conversation1 as to why it’s warning us.

The config includes prefetch, but you may also wish to add serve-expired to the same config file from above.

# serve old responses from cache while waiting for the actual resolution to finish.
serve-expired: yes
sudo systemctl restart unbound.service

No additional setup is needed, but see the unbound page for more info.


Pi-hole can be configured via it’s two main config files, /etc/pihole/setupVars.cong and pihole-FTL.conf, but it’s convenient to use the GUI’s left-hand settings menu.

  • Settings -> DNS -> Upstream DNS Servers -> Custom 1 (Check and add as shown in the unbound guide linked above)
  • Settings -> DNS -> Interface settings -> Permit all origins (needed if you have multiple networks)

Very busy pi-hole installations generate lots of data and (seemingly) hang the dashboard. If that happens, limit the about of data being displayed.

vi /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.conf 
# Don't import the existing DB into the GUI - it will hang the web page for a long time

# Don't import more than an hour of logs from the logfile

# Truncate data older than this many days to keep the size of the database down
sudo systemctl restart pihole-FTL.service


Local DNS Entries

You can enter local DNS and CNAME entries via the GUI, (Admin Panel -> Local DNS), but you can also edit the config file for bulk entries.

For A records

vim /etc/pihole/custom.list test.some.lan test2.some.lan

For CNAME records

vim /etc/dnsmasq.d/05-pihole-custom-cname.conf

Block Lists

Pi-hole ships with one ad list; StevenBlack. You may need to disable this for google or facebook search results to work as expected. The top search results are often ads and don’t work as expected when pi-hole is blocking them.

  • Admin Panel -> Ad Lists -> Status Column

You might consider adding security only lists instead, such as Intel’s below

Search the web for other examples.


Unbound will be upgraded via the Unattended Upgrades service. But pi-hole requires a manual command.

sudo pihole -up


DNS Cache Size

The default cache size of 10,000 serves thousands clients easily. This is because entries expire faster than the cache runs out. But you can check your evictions - cache entries removed to make room before they expire - to see.

settings -> System -> DNS cache evictions:

You’ll notice that insertions keep climbing as things are added to the cache, but the cache number itself represents only those entries that are current. If you do see evictions, edit CACHE_SIZE in /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf

You can also check this at the command line

dig +short chaos txt evictions.bind @localhost

   dig +short chaos txt cachesize.bind
   dig +short chaos txt hits.bind
   dig +short chaos txt misses.bind

However, we are advised that unused cache is wasted, when it could be used for disk buffers, etc. So don’t add it just in case.

Rate Limiting

The system has a default limit of 1000 queries in a 60 seconds window for each client. If your clients are proxied or relayed, you can run into this. This event is displayed in the dashbaord2 and also in the logs3.

sudo grep -i Rate-limiting /var/log/pihole/pihole.log /var/log/pihole/pihole.log

You may find the address being rate limited. This can be due to pi-hole doing a reverse of all client IPs every hour. You can disable this with:

# In the pihole-FTL.conf


Firefox, if the user has not yet chosen a setting, will query use-application-dns.net. Pi-hole respods with NXDOMAIN4 as a signal to use pi-hole for DNS.


Apple devices include a private relay5 that the user may decide to enable if they pay for it. Pi-hole by default blocks queries for mask.icloud.com and the user will be notified you are blocking it.

# Signal that Apple iCloud Private Relay is allowed 
sudo systemctl reload pihole-FTL.service

Searching The Query Log Hangs DNS

On a very busy server, clicking show-all in the query log panel will hang the server as pihole-FTL works through it’s database. There is no solution, just don’t do it. The best alternative is to ship logs to a Elasticsearch or similar system.

Ask Yourself

The system continues to use whatever DNS resolver was initially configured. You may want it to use itself, instead.

# revert if pi-hole itself needs fixed.
sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf


Last modified April 9, 2024: restructure (100ef14)