Local Git Deployment


Let’s create a two-tiered system that goes from dev to prod using a post-commit trigger

graph LR
Development --git / rsync---> Production

The Development system is your workstation and the Production system is a web server you can rsync to. Git commit will trigger a build and rsync.

I use Hugo in this example, but any system that has an output (or build) folder works similarly.


The first thing we need is a destination.

Production System

This server probably uses folders like /var/www/XXXXX for its web root. Use that or create a new folder and make yourself the owner.

sudo mkdir /var/www/some.site.org
sudo chown -R $USER /var/www/some.site.org
echo "Hello" > /var/www/some.site.org/index.html

Edit your web server’s config to make sure you can view that web page. Also check that rsync is available from the command line.

Development System

Hugo builds static html in a public directory. To generate the HTML, simply type hugo

cd /path/to/my-existing-site
ls public

We don’t actually want this folder in git and most themes (if you’re using Hugo) already have a .gitignore file. Take a look and create/add to it.

# Notice /public is at the top of the git ignore file
cat .gitignore


Assuming you have some content, let’s add and commit it.

git add --all
git commit -m "Initial Commit"

Note: All of these git commands work because pulling in a theme initialized the directory. If you’re doing something else you’ll need to git init.

The last step is to create a hook that will build and deploy after a commit.

cd /path/to/my-existing-site
touch .git/hooks/post-commit
chmod +x .git/hooks/post-commit
vi .git/hooks/post-commit
hugo --cleanDestinationDir
rsync --recursive --delete public/ [email protected]:/var/www/some.site.org

This script ensures that the remote directory matches your local directory. When you’re ready to update the remote site:

git add --all
git commit --allow-empty -m "trigger update"

If you mess up the production files, you can just call the hook manually.

cd /path/to/my-existing-site
touch .git/hooks/post-commit


bash: line 1: rsync: command not found

Double check that the remote host has rsync.

Last modified November 8, 2024: Restructure (37c5bc6)